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Thermometer Laser Coronavirus


Having a fever should not be taken lightly nowadays as it might lead to a more serious illness such as coronavirus. Aside from fever, other symptoms to look for are cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and muscle pain. Checking the body temperature is one good practice to lessen the chance of spreading the virus.

It may be advisable for airports, work place and other public areas to have everyone who is entering the premises to have their temperature check. Some airports and offices are practicing this already by checking people’s temperature with a laser thermometer. These laser thermometers have infrared energy to read the body temperature.

When using temperature in a public place that would require multiple use, it is important to know the proper handling of thermometers. When conducting temperature check, make sure to always wear clean gloves. The thermometer should also be cleaned or sanitized after every use if using skin contact thermometers. For non-contact thermometers or laser thermometers, read the manufacturer’s manual or instructions and follow it.

Aside from checking body temperature with thermometer that use laser to avoid the spread of coronavirus, practicing social distancing is also advised. Washing of hands and wearing masks should also be observed to avoid contacting and spreading the coronavirus.

You can find laser thermometers on Amazon.

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