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Research >> Survival >> Best hand sanitizer that kills viruses >> Hand Sanitizer vs Rubbing Alcohol
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Hand Sanitizer vs Rubbing Alcohol


Both have its merits. When it comes to rubbing alcohol, you know it works. Even its smell already indicates that it’s already killing germs. Isopropyl alcohol, for example, kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria. The downside of the rubbing alcohol is that it smells so much like a disinfectant. It reminds you of hospital smell.

The hand sanitizer is stickier, which may be irritating to some people. But it smells so good—most of them anyway. A lot of the brands that manufacture hand sanitizers entice people with the different scents available. This way, when you clean your hands with the hand sanitizer, you will smell like cologne or perfume rather than a disinfectant.

But in this time of COVID-19 pandemic, scent is really the least of anyone’s concern. It doesn’t matter if you have rubbing alcohol with you or hand sanitizer. The most important thing is that the solution is at least 60% alcohol-based. Anything less than that would not be as effective in killing viruses including coronavirus, which causes COVID-19.

Rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizers are getting out of stock, though. As a result, a number of companies have started manufacturing rubbing alcohol and sanitizers to take advantage of the demand. Make sure that you check that the company is registered to at least be sure that you are using safe products.

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