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Wearing a Surgical Mask when you are Sick


It’s a common sight to see if you visit any Asian countries and you’ll see people wearing am mask regardless they are sick or not.

It became a part of their lifestyle due to many reasons to have a surgical mask on.

It follows that wearing a surgical mask when you are sick should even be applied and practiced more. When a person is sick the viruses can spread to those around and make them sick too. 

Wearing a surgical mask is one of the ways to prevent a person from spreading germs to others when hee’s sick.  It’s when a properly worn mask prevents the droplets from being passed into the air when someone coughs or sneezes.

It’s in coughing or sneezing when one is sick that the tiny droplets of saliva and mucus carrying airborne viruses are suspended into the air. These viruses can easily spread to those near and can make them sick too.

In Japan, it’s a sign of courtesy and wearing a mask when sick is to prevent spreading their germs to others.

Here’s why it’s a wise move to wear a surgical mask if you are sick.

It will keep you from being protected from touching your mouth or nose which is the most common way of bringing germs into your body

It can really help prevent the spread of germs that are kept mostly in the mask of the sick person while the outside of the mask of the healthy person against larger particles and droplets 

Studies have shown that wearing a mask in the combination of practicing regular hand washing will reduce your risk of catching the illness by 70 to 80%. 

The flu and common cold are only contagious a day or so before symptoms start. This is why having regular healthy habits such as frequent hand washing and not sharing utensils or drinks is very important.

A surgical mask can help reduce the effect of seasonal pollen allergies, dust, and other air pollutants.

The bottom line is we should be responsible for taking care of ourselves as well as being considerate of the welfare of others too.

It would never hurt to be more responsible socially and to help to stop the spread of any disease.

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