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September 3, 2021 - Industry groups outperform

Weekly Special Report Market Update

This week the followed industry groups outperform the general market indices.

Beware some of the stocks has not report their earnings for their last quarter; hence, may be volatile and even show negative trend after.

This week there are no changes to the followed industry groups.

Here is our history of the monitored industry group performance:
  • Jan. 11, 2019 to May 31, 2019 has an overall portfolio gain of 3.6%.
  • May 31, 2019 to Aug. 30, 2019 has an overall portfolio gain of 9.1%.
  • Aug. 30, 2019 to Oct. 25, 2019 has an overall portfolio loss of -3.4%.
  • Oct. 25, 2019 to Feb. 7, 2020 has an overall portfolio gain of 9.4%. 
  • Feb. 7, 2020 to Apr. 3, 2020 has an overall portfolio loss of -9.7%.
  • Apr. 3, 2020 to Sep. 4, 2020 has an overall portfolio gain of 30.0%.
  • Sep. 4, 2020 to Nov. 13, 2020 has an overall portfolio gain of 0.8%.
  • Nov. 13, 2020 to Feb. 26, 2021 has an overall portfolio gain of 23.4%. 
  • Feb. 26, 2021 to Apr. 23, 2021 has an overall portfolio gain of 1.2%. 
  • Apr. 23, 2021 to Jul. 2, 2021 has an overall portfolio gain of 0.4%. 
  • Jul. 2, 2021 to Aug. 20, 2021 has an overall portfolio loss of -7.2%. 
Since Jan. 11, 2019, the total compound gains is 64.5%.

The following industry groups are being monitored since Aug. 20, 2021. Since then, the industry groups has an overall gain of 8.4%. 

Aug. 20 Aug. 27 Sep. 3 Gain/Loss Industry Group performance
MTCH 132.66 141.00 148.19 11.71%
Z 96.03 99.24 97.56 1.59%
HUYA 9.71 10.37 11.22 15.55%
SEMR 21.05 26.52 28.24 34.16%
CRWD 282.31 278.23 -1.45%
PANW 461.28 468.22 1.50%
ZS 273.73 287.4 4.99%
OKTA 262.38 270.4 3.06%
BBW 14.65 17.79 17.55 19.80%
BGFV 22.36 23.79 31.61 41.37%
DKS 109.82 138.50 145.19 32.21%
HIBB 85.14 89.84 98.96 16.23%
DKS 138.50 145.19 4.83%
ASO 42.19 44.52 5.52%
BGFV 23.79 31.61 32.87%
BBW 17.79 17.55 -1.35%
GFL 33.78 34.91 36.17 7.08%
WCN 127.88 128.08 131.28 2.66%
WM 152.94 154.15 155.40 1.61%
BAX 75.19 73.97 82.71 10.00%
BSX 44.44 44.80 44.92 1.08%
PODD 295.28 295.09 302.59 2.48%
CLF 22.99 24.37 23.91 4.00%
MT 32.72 34.71 33.60 2.69%
NUE 116.42 119.85 114.05 -2.04%
STLD 66.98 70.91 66.77 -0.31%
DHI 94.90 96.96 94.96 0.06%
KBH 41.90 43.46 43.21 3.13%
TPH 23.38 24.18 23.64 1.11%
FISV 116.09 117.94 115.66 -0.37%
INFO 118.10 119.33 122.44 3.67%
PFMT 4.22 4.38 4.74 12.32%
TRU 117.70 119.63 124.47 5.75%


Sector - Technology

Sector - Retail

Industry Group - Consumer Services - Other Specialty Stores (Leisure)
BBW ($15.27), BGFV ($30.75), DKS ($97.53), HIBB ($84.76)

The leisure specialty group has made a strong move in recent months. It then pulled back strongly to its 10 weeks moving average. It then rebound off this level with strong volume.

Industry Group - Retail-Leisure Products
DKS ($138.50), ASO ($42.19), BGFV ($23.79), BBW ($17.79)

This leisure products group are showing great strength as it rebound from its 10 weeks moving average.

Sector - Industrial

Industry Group - Basic Industries - Environmental Services
GFL ($34.87), WCN ($126.69), WM ($148.26)

This environmental services group is near an all time high. It shows strength in recent two weeks.

Sector - Health

Industry Group - Health Care - Medical/Dental Instruments
BAX ($75.19), BSX ($44.44), PODD ($295.28)

This industry group is currently on an uptrend after recently suffering its first pullback to its 10 weeks moving average after breaking out from a consolidation base.

Sector - Commodities

Industry Group - Basic Industries - Steel/Iron Ore
CLF ($25.00), MT ($35.24), NUE ($104.02), STLD ($64.45)

This steel and iron ore group is making good progress towards its previous all time high.

Sector - Financial

Industry Group - Finance - Bldg-Resident/Comml
DHI ($93.55)KBH ($41.48), TPH ($22.56)

This building industry group has once again shown strength as it rise above its 50 days moving average.

Industry Group - Consumer Services - Other Consumer Services (Specialty)
FISV ($115.11), INFO ($116.84), PFMT ($4.77), TRU ($120.06)

This building industry group has once again shown strength as it rise above its 50 days moving average.


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